Matched Pair Rene’ Grugier Limoges, France, Marked F.R.G. Limoges, France.
Oversized Cabinet Cups/Saucers, Heavy Gold Gilded over the molded swirl design. Pedestal Bases, Swirl Handle with Floral Center. One Cup has Floral Center filled in, the other has Floral Center outlined in Gold. Excellent Condition with only extremely minor gold wear, almost undetectable. One Set has saucer marked, cup unmarked…..other set has cup marked, saucer unmarked. Sold as a set only.
Marks date to 1896
Dimensions Saucers 6 5/8″ diameter Cups opening 4 1/8″ diameter, across rim and handle 5 1/2″, 4 7/8″ tall to top of handle